Refunds & Return Policy

Raposo International Enterprises Inc. Guarantee strives to keep you totally fulfilled and gratified, which is why we offer a 90-day, money back guarantee.

If at any point you decide it’s not the right product for you, remember you are protected by the highest standard 100% money-back guarantee. We’ll refund you to the last penny, no questions asked. Here’s exactly what to do:

  • Contact the Raposo International Enterprises Inc Support team via email or call 1-888-517-1007.
  • Please provide the following information:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email and Phone used to place the order
    • Shipping Address
    • Shipping City
    • State
    • Zip code
    • Order Number
    • Items that you wish to refund
    • Quantity of such items
  • You will receive a reply with in 48 hours Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm Pacific Standard Time.
  • We will refund your entire valid order, excluding shipping costs.

These guidelines were created to ensure your satisfaction, while ensuring that we can continue to provide a quality product to other happy customers for years to come. Returning any of our supplements without complying with our policy will unfortunately deem your transaction non-refundable.

After complying with the steps above, please allow adequate time for quality control and communication with credit card companies and banks as you patiently await your refund.